Elon Musk's Mobile Pi
Today, there was a bit change, shuffling in the previous sections. Owing to coronavirus, there were some restrictions on the institutions imposed by the government that either they might open on alternative days or they could have two shifts.
We had to split the classes for first-year and second-year classes. We did this practice in both online and physical classes for about more than one year in our college.
Now from today onward, we had regular physical classes, merging the split classes. It was a new experience for both the teachers and the students. Previously, we had 21 sections, and onward we have 14 sections. An interesting and challenging session. A bit confused students and teachers were quite satisfied after the day was over.
In a class where I had students of some other class were waiting to see their new teacher of English. I entered and asked them to tell me their syllabus coverage. I had to revise one chapter of Mr Chips. After reading they asked me about the notes, and I told them to learn what they had. I also assigned them a test of CH #2.
The rest of the sections were the same which I have been teaching since their commencement.
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