Elon Musk's Mobile Pi

Tesla Model Pi How is the world making progress in science and technology, we are still looking for a great marriage hall to celebrate our unique wedding with all pump and show. Read the following features and see how education is helping the people who want to move and serve humanity. I. Introduction - Elon Musk's new venture: Tesla Model Pi smartphone II. Revolutionary Features - Disrupting the smartphone market III. Comparison to Competition - iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel IV. Key Advantages - Reasons behind Musk's claim to "destroy" existing smartphones V. Conclusion Impact of Tesla Model Pi on the smartphone industry Elon Musk, the innovative mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, has announced his latest venture. It will change the mindset:  the Tesla Model Pi smartphone. This revolutionary device promises to shake up the smartphone market, challenging the dominance of industry leaders like iPhone,  Samsung Galaxy,  and Google Pixel.  But what sets th...

Weekly Test 5 -Prep Ex, 7,8 Idioms 51-60, Trans 11-15, Corr (Pronouns)- English Part II

Monthly Test-5 

ENG-P/II        Total Marks: 35            Time Allowed:  40 Minutes

Preposition Ex 7-8, Idioms 51-60  Correct (Pronouns) & Trans 11-15    


  Name:                         Roll #:                   Section:

Q#1 Choose the right option of the following:  (10)

1. A drowning man catches _____ straw.

A)  of              B) for              C) in                            D) at

2. This book consists _______ 10 chapters.

A)  on              B) of                C) at                            D) over

3. Success consists _____  hard work.

A)  in               B) for              C) by                           D) over

 4.      He has no doubt _____ his success.

A)  on              B) of                C) at                            D) about

       5.      She was disappointed _____ her failure.

A)  on        B) of                C) at                            D) over

       6.      O God deliver me _______ the miseries of the world.

A)  by        B) for              C) on                           D) from

    7.      She has dealt _____  us kindly.

A) of         B) in                C) with                        D) by

    8.      The car dashed _______  a huge car.

A) of         B) in                C) at                            D) against

    9.      I have mine pen and she has hers pen.

A)    I have mine pen and she has her.

B)    I have my pen and she has hers.

C)    I have mine pen and she has her’s.

D)    I have my pen and she has her.

    10.   I saw a bird who was chirping beautifully.

A)    I saw a bird which was chirping beautiful.

B)    I saw a bird who was chirps beautifully.

C)    I saw a bird which was chirping beautifully.

D)    I saw a bird it was chirping beautifully.

Q#2 Make Idioms (any 4) of the following:        (08)

At the risk of, at a loss, an oily tongue, above all, a jailbird

Q#3 Translate into English:                               (15)

مسئلہ کشمیر اس وقت دنیا کے اہم ترین مسائل میں سے ایک بن چکا ہے۔ حکومت پاکستان موقع سے فائدہ اٹھائے۔ اسے دوسرے ممالک میں اپنے مندوبین بھیج کر اس مسئلے کو اجاگر کرنا چاہیے۔ دنیا کو مقبوضہ کشمیر میں انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزیوں کا نوٹس لینا چاہیے۔ اس مسئلے کو ہر بین الاقوامی فورم پر ٹھوس دلائل کے ذریعے زیر بحث لایا جائے۔

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Weekly Tese No 4


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