Elon Musk's Mobile Pi

Tesla Model Pi How is the world making progress in science and technology, we are still looking for a great marriage hall to celebrate our unique wedding with all pump and show. Read the following features and see how education is helping the people who want to move and serve humanity. I. Introduction - Elon Musk's new venture: Tesla Model Pi smartphone II. Revolutionary Features - Disrupting the smartphone market III. Comparison to Competition - iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel IV. Key Advantages - Reasons behind Musk's claim to "destroy" existing smartphones V. Conclusion Impact of Tesla Model Pi on the smartphone industry Elon Musk, the innovative mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, has announced his latest venture. It will change the mindset:  the Tesla Model Pi smartphone. This revolutionary device promises to shake up the smartphone market, challenging the dominance of industry leaders like iPhone,  Samsung Galaxy,  and Google Pixel.  But what sets th...

Applications - English Part I - BISE Punjab

 Important Applications for inter and matriculation 

1. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for fee concession


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Fee Concession


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I belong to a poor family. My father is a shopkeeper. He has to support a big family. We are four brothers and three sisters. Two of my younger brothers and one sister are studying at school. My father finds it difficult to meet our educational expenses.


          I am a brilliant student of the First year. I have passed my last college exam in all subjects securing 75% marks. I have a keen desire to get an education and all the teachers are also satisfied with my work. I request you to kindly grant me a full fee concession so that I may continue my studies in your prestigious (              ) college.  I shall be very thankful to you for this benign action.

          Thanking you in anticipation.

 Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                Yours obediently,


Click here for the online lecture for Application Pattern

2. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for financial assistance/scholarship


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Scholarship


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in Pre-Engineering. I have got 89% marks in the matriculation examination. I am short of 1 mark in the Merit Scholarship for Free Education. Sir, I belong to a poor family. My father is a driver in a private company. He has to support a big family. We are four brothers and three sisters. Two of my younger brothers and one sister are studying at school. My father finds it difficult to meet our educational expenses (             ). He cannot bear my educational expenses. Therefore, I request you to award me Free Education, so that I may continue my studies in your prestigious college.

          Sir, I assure you I will try my best to show excellent performance in Board Examination. I hope you will not let a bright student leave his studies under financial pressure (                  ). Kindly grant me Merit Scholarship for free education so that I may continue my studies with a free mind.

I shall be very thankful to you for this benign action.



Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                                  Yours obediently,


3. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to refund library security.

The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Refund Library Security


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I was a student at your college during the session 2016-2018. During my session, I had been fond of reading books. I availed myself of the opportunity to read many books from the college library. I got a library card issued by the librarian by paying the library security fee. i.e. Rs. 3500/- Now I have passed my intermediate examination in 1st Division and returned all the books in time. Therefore, I request you to refund my paid security accordingly. I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2015                                                              Yours obediently,



4. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to issue a character certificate/leaving certificate.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Character Certificate


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I was a student at your college during the session 2013-2015; I passed the intermediate examination in the 1st Division. As regards my co-curricular activities, I had been a member of the college team during the session. I won many prizes in intermediate debates, speeches & quiz competitions.

Now, I intend to take admission in graduation. I have to supply to various universities for admission. I request you kindly issue me a character certificate / leaving certificate. I shall be thankful to you for this kindness.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,




5. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to allow you to change the subject.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for the Change of Subject


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of 1st year in your college. I took Statistics in the I.C.S discipline. Now, I have realized that this subject is difficult for me to study. I am unable to develop my taste in this subject, so resultantly I have lost my performance in studies.

Because of the above-mentioned facts, I would request you to kindly allow me to change the subject of Statistics to Physics. This change will help me to do better preparation for the coming test. I have already taken the permission of my father and concerned teacher.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                                 Yours obediently,


Change of Section.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for the Change of Section


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I was granted admission in 1st year I.Com. I was placed in section C whereas all the students of my locality are in section B. I don’t feel comfortable because I find myself among strangers in section C. I am not good at making friends as well. All my friends are also in section B. We play together and we want to study together in college also. Being in different sections, they are unable to help me in my studies.

So it is requested to change my section so that I may study with them and show good results.

I shall be very thankful to you for this favour.



Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


6. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for financial assistance


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Financial Assistance


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in Pre-Engineering. I have got 89% marks in the matriculation examination. Sir, I belong to a poor family. My father is a driver in a private company. He has to support a big family. We are four brothers and three sisters. Two of my younger brothers and one sister are studying at school. My father finds it difficult to meet our educational expenses. He cannot bear my educational expenses. Therefore, I request you to award me some financial assistance, so that I may continue my studies in your prestigious college.

Sir, I assure you I will try my best to show excellent performance in Board Examination. I hope you will not let a bright student leave his studies under financial pressure. Kindly grant me this provision so that I may continue my studies with a free mind.

I shall be very thankful to you for this benign action.



Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


7. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for one month leave on medical grounds.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Sick Leave


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I have been suffering from typhoid fever for two weeks. Therefore, I was unable to attend college regularly. The doctor has advised me to take a rest for two or three weeks at least. I am taking my dose regularly to recover myself. Therefore, I request you to grant me a leave for three weeks i.e. from 10th January to 31sr January 2022.

So far my attendance is very good and I got 1st position in class in the second term exam. I assure you that I will make up for my deficiency (             ) as I get well soon. I shall show better results in the final term exam.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                 Yours obediently,




Write an application to the Principal requesting him for one month leave on grounds of Umrah.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for One Month Leave


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am going with my parents to perform Umrah. There is no one to take care of me in their absence. Moreover, I have a keen desire to visit the holy places in Makkah and Madina. Therefore, I request you to grant me one month leave i.e. from 10th January to 9th February 2015.

So far my attendance is very good and I got 1st position in class in the second term exam. I assure you that I will make up for my deficiency and show better results in the final term exam.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


10. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for the remission of the library fine.

The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Remission of Library Fine


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in this college. The matter is that the librarian has fined me Rs.1000/- for being late in returning the books. 

          Sir, a fortnight ago, I went to my village to see my parents. Unfortunately, my mother fell seriously ill. She was to be admitted to a hospital. I had to be there to look after. I sent you an application for leave. You were kind enough to grant me the leave. Today I headed straight for the library to return the books but the librarian told me that I was late in returning the books. He asked me to deposit the above-mentioned fine.

          Sir, I belong to a poor family from a backward area of rural Punjab. My family hardly makes both ends meet. So, I am unable to pay the fine. Therefore, I request you to kindly remit my fine. I shall be thankful to you for this kindness.

          Thanking you in anticipation.

Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


11. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for the remission of the library fine.

The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Remission of Library Fine


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in this college. The matter is that the librarian has fined me Rs.1000/- for being late in returning the books. 

          Sir, a fortnight ago, I went to my village to see my parents. Unfortunately, my mother fell seriously ill. She was to be admitted to a hospital. I had to be there to look after. I sent you an application for leave. You were kind enough to grant me the leave. Today I headed straight for the library to return the books but the librarian told me that I was late in returning the books. He asked me to deposit the above-mentioned fine.

          Sir, I belong to a poor family from a backward area of rural Punjab. My family hardly makes both ends meet. So, I am unable to pay the fine. Therefore, I request you to kindly remit my fine. I shall be thankful to you for this kindness.

          Thanking you in anticipation.

Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


11. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to issue a migration certificate/leaving certificate.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Migration Certificate


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I was a student at your college during the session 2013-2015; I passed the intermediate examination in the 1st Division. As regards my co-curricular activities, I had been a member of the college team during the session. I won many prizes in intermediate debates, speeches & quiz competitions.

As my father works in Pakistan Railway, he has been transferred to Multan from Lahore. Now, I intend to take admission to Multan College. I request you kindly issue me a migration certificate / leaving certificate, so that I may continue my education in Multan City. I shall be thankful to you for this kindness.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                             Yours obediently,



12. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to attend the wedding ceremony of your brother.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      A Wedding Leave


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in this college. The marriage date of my elder brother is fixed that it is exactly a week from now. I want to attend all the marriage ceremonies including Mehndi, Baraat, and Walima. So I have to reach there two days before the fixed date. It will be so much fun because all of our relatives are coming.

I shall not be able to come to the college for six days during the said week. Kindly grant me leave for six days. I shall be very thankful to you.

So far my attendance is very good and I got 1st position in class in the second term exam. I assure you that I will make up for my deficiency     (                 ) and show better results in the final term exam.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2015                                                              Yours obediently,



13. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to refund Hostel security.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Refund Hostel Security


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I was a student at your college during the session 2016-2018. During my session, I had been residing in the hostel. I availed myself of the opportunity to have a hostel facility for two years. I deposited Rs.5000/- Hostel Security. During my stay, I abided by all the rules and regulations of the Hostel and I did not give any chance to the Hostel Superintendent to complain against me.  Now I have passed my intermediate examination in 1st Division and want to leave the hostel. Therefore, I request you to refund my paid security accordingly. I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                             Yours obediently,


14. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to improve medical facilities in the college.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for the improvement of Medical Facilities


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student at your college F.Sc Pre-Engg. I on behalf of my college fellows would like to intimate you about the poor medical facilities of my college. During the break, if there is any injury to the students, we have to rush to the hospital nearby. There is no such medical provision in college premises that would dress or care for the minor injury without any delay. I, therefore, kindly request you to establish a small clinic in the college, which may provide any first aid and medicines to the sick student.

We the student shall be very thankful to you for this necessary medical provision in the college.

          Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                             Yours obediently,



15. Write an application to the Principal apologizing to him for your misconduct in the classroom


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Apologizing for Misconduct


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in this college. Yesterday, my class teacher suspended (                  ) me because I misbehaved with him during the lecture. Actually, the problem arose when a controversial (                  ) topic was being discussed in the class. One of my classmates passed an insulting remark, I know that I should have controlled myself and should not be so undisciplined (                  ) in the class. I am really ashamed of my behaviour. I really feel sorry for what I did.

Sir, I am thankful to my teacher that he did not call my parents. Teachers are like parents to us. They take care of us. I don’t have words to show much sorry I am. I assure you that such an incident will never happen again.

Please apologize to me for my sheer (              ) misconduct. Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


16. Write an application to the Principal for an urgent piece of work.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for and Urgent Piece of Work


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in this college. Today, when entered the college, I got an emergency call from my home. My uncle got a road accident very badly. I have to leave my classes to reach the hospital. My uncle has not a son, so I have to attend to him. therefore, I request you kindly allow me to leave the college today so that I would reach the hospital in time. I shall recover and prepare my missed lecture with the help of my class fellow.  

Thanking you, in anticipation. I shall remain with regards.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


17. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to re-admit your name on the college roll.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City) A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Re-admission


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of Part-I in this college. My name has been struck off from the college roll because I have been absent for one month without any leave application. Actually, my father met a road accident in my native (City) and was admitted to a hospital. Therefore, I rushed on hearing the news. I got so worried that I couldn’t inform the college in time.

          My father remained in hospital for one month due to a serious head injury. Being the only son, I had all the responsibility to look after

him in the hospital. Now my father is getting better, I have enclosed his medical reports.

          Sir, I am a serious-minded student and have never been a cause of mischief or negligence in the past. I apologize for not informing you in time, but I hope that you would understand my situation, therefore, I request you to re-admit my name on the college roll. I will be grateful for the favour.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


18. Write an application to the Principal requesting him for the remission of the fine.


The Principal,

Govt. College,

(City), A.B.C.


Subject:      Application for Re-mission of fine for absence


          Most respectfully, I beg to state that I caught a cold and fell ill after our college trip to Murree. I could not attend the class last week due to severe (                 ) illness. I am extremely sorry that I could not put my application for leave. There was nobody at home to carry any application to college. Now, I have been fined Rs. 500/- for my absence.

          I am one of the most regular students of the class as is proved by my previous record. Sir, the reason which kept me away from college was beyond (               ) my control. I also hereby submit the medical certificate for your satisfaction (                ). I request you to kindly remit my fine. I shall be thankful to you for this kindness.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Dated: 23rd May 2022.                                                           Yours obediently,


Write an application to  the police station of the robbery.

Police Report Robbery

Write an application to report the police station of a robbery of 200 hundred words.plzDear Sir,

I am writing to report a robbery of goods that occurred at my residence on 12th December. The perpetrators broke into my home and stole [list of items stolen].

I was not present at the time of the robbery, but my neighbor witnessed the incident and was able to provide a description of the perpetrators. They were two men, both wearing masks and dressed in black. They fled the scene in a [color and make of vehicle].

I have already filed a report with the local police department, but I wanted to inform you of the details of the robbery as well. I have attached a copy of the police report for your reference.

I am deeply troubled by this incident and would like to request any assistance in catching the perpetrators and recovering my stolen items. I am available to provide any further information or answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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