Reported Speech (Present into Past Tense)
She said, "I go to school college daily."
"She said" is a reporting speech, and "I go to school college daily." is a reported speech.
Two Main Rules:
i. First Persons (I, my, me & we, our, us) of Reported Speech are changed according to the Subject of Reporting Speech
ii. Second Persons (You, Your, You ) of Reported Speech are changed according to the Object of Reporting Speech
Note: Third persons (he, she) of Reported speech are NOT changed.
a. When 'said' is used in Reporting Speech, then
Direct | Indirect
go | went
write | wrote
has | had
is writing | was writing
am writing | was writing
are writing | were writing
has written | had written
have written | had written
was writing | had been writing
were writing | had been writing
will write | would write
shall write | would write
don't play | didn't play
Change into Direct Speech:
i. First Persons (I, my, me & we, our, us) of Reported Speech are changed according to the Subject of Reporting Speech
1. She said, "I write poems."
She told that she wrote poems.
2. She said to him, "You write poems."
She told him that he wrote poems.
3. He said to her, "You write poems."
4. He said to me, "I am writing poems."
5. Ali said to her, "I have written many poems."
6. They said to her, "You don't write poems."
7. She said to her, "I did not write poems."
8. I said to her, "You write poems."
9. You said to her, "You don't write poems."
10. I said to her, "I have written poems."
11. She said, "I'm fine today."
Change of Adverbs:
today into that day
yesterday into the previous
tomorrow into the next day
tonight into that night
now into then
this into that
it into that
here into there
12. He said, "I have posted the letters."
13. She said, "I don't have any book "
14. He said to me, "You teach me English."
15. They said, "We have done nothing."
16. He said to her, "You teach me English."
17. They said to me, "We are your students."
18. She said to him, "I didn't invite you to the party."
19. She said to me, "He doesn't help me in my studies."
20. The teacher said to me, "You are doing very well."
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