Elon Musk's Mobile Pi
10| The Jewel of the World
Q#1 Choose the right synonyms of the following. (10)
1. And the accession of the Abbasid to the caliphate was
A) succession
B) passion
C) recession
D) mission
2. And the accession of the Abbasid to the caliphate was signalized by a ruthless
A) kind
B) cruel
C) beneficial
D) quick
3. A young man with the sharp aquiline feature.
A) black
B) stout
C) eagle-like
D) fair
4. It was he who made his way to Spain.
A) proceeded
B) came back
C) went off
D) hurried
5. The caliphate was signalized by ruthless extermination.
A) marked out
B) came back
C) went off
D) hurried
6. The caliphate was signalized by ruthless extermination.
A) proceeded
B) cruel
C) went off
D) hurried
7. The caliphate was signalized by ruthless extermination.
A) proceeded
B) came back
C) extinction
D) hurried
the correct option:
8. Nothing
else as wealth spoiled him at a young age.
A) Nothing else and wealth spoiled him at a young age.
B) Nothing else or wealth spoiled him at a young age.
C) Nothing else nor wealth spoiled him at a young age.
D) Nothing else but wealth spoiled him at a young age.
9. He
will either take it nor leave it.
A) He will either takes it or leave it.
B) He will either take it or left it.
C) He will either take it or leave it.
D) He will either take it or leaving it.
10. Hardly
had he reached college when the peon rung the bell.
A) Hardly had he reached college when the peon rung the bell.
B) Hardly had he reached college when the peon rang the bell.
C) Hardly had he reached college when the peon rings the bell.
D) Hardly had he reached college when the peon ringing the bell.
11. The
jeered ____ the speakers.
A) in
B) of
C) at
D) upon
12. was jealous ____ her privileges.
A) in
B) of
C) at
D) upon
Q#2 Answer any 5 questions of the followings: (10)
i. Give an account of the early life of Abdu-al-Rehman I ’s
dramatic escape?
ii. What did the Abbasid caliph say on receiving the head of his
iii. What did Abd al-Rehman do to make himself strong and to
beautify his capital?
iv. Where was the royal palace, named Al-Zahra standing?
v. How did Abad-al-Rehman III regain the lost provinces?
vi. How did Al-Hakam promote learning during his regime?
vii. Which was the best-known garden in Spain
Q.3 Make Sentences of (any 5) Idioms: [10]
To hit
below the bell
In the teeth of
In black and white
In a fix
In the dark
In the long run
Q.4 Translate into English [15]
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