Elon Musk's Mobile Pi

Tesla Model Pi How is the world making progress in science and technology, we are still looking for a great marriage hall to celebrate our unique wedding with all pump and show. Read the following features and see how education is helping the people who want to move and serve humanity. I. Introduction - Elon Musk's new venture: Tesla Model Pi smartphone II. Revolutionary Features - Disrupting the smartphone market III. Comparison to Competition - iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel IV. Key Advantages - Reasons behind Musk's claim to "destroy" existing smartphones V. Conclusion Impact of Tesla Model Pi on the smartphone industry Elon Musk, the innovative mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, has announced his latest venture. It will change the mindset:  the Tesla Model Pi smartphone. This revolutionary device promises to shake up the smartphone market, challenging the dominance of industry leaders like iPhone,  Samsung Galaxy,  and Google Pixel.  But what sets th...

Use of article (a,an,the) in English

Articles (a, an, the)

    Definite   (the)                   

   Indefinite (a/an)

   The (this, that, these, those)              a/an (one)

    Specific    & Non-Specific                   an  +  Vowel Sound

    For Example:    

    1.   A gun is not good.

    2.   One gun is not good.  (out of many guns we are talking about one)


    USED before a Common Noun

    For Example:


1.   He goes to an university daily.

 A     B          C                    D


2. He is a teacher.

3. Mr Asif will preside over the meeting

4. An axe, an igloo, an egg, an ice cream, an heir, an honour, an hour

5. A uniform, a university, a basket, a rainbow, a zoo, a house.

     6. She is an M.A.

     7. She needs a mouse.

     8. She is an S.D.O. 

     9. She saw a saw which could not saw.


    NOT used with a Noun after kind of, type of, sort of, a matter of


    1  .   What sort of a book you want?

        A                 B          C      D    

    NOT used before Uncountable Noun

    For Example:


    2.   I take a tea in the morning.

       A      B     C                   D


1.         The Holy books              The Holy Quran, the Bible

2.         The Titles     but with name  & title then

            NO Article     Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

            President Mumnoon Hussain, The President is there…

     Further Examples:

3.               The Nation                 the Muslims, the British

4.               The River & Ocean    the Ravi, the pacific

5.               The Ship                     the Titanic

6.               The Newspaper         the Nation, the Dawn

7.               The Desert                 the Sahara, The Gobi

8.               The Heavenly bodies     the Earth, The Sun, The Moon

                        Not with Mars

9.               Family Names                  The Bitterings, The James Dillingham Youngs

    10. The Names of Books           the Bang-e-Dra

    11. The Human body: the nose, the ear (but only ONE: the head

    12. The Historical & Famous Buildings     the Taj Mahal and eyes of the boy)

13.   The mother and the father attended the PTM.

14.   The mother and father attended the PTM.

15.   The parents attended the PTM.

    16. The Directions                            the East, the West [he walked south (area)

    17. The Head of Institute                  the Headmaster

`1 18. The Plural Islands:  the West Indies, the Maldives, the Congos, the Netherland

    19. The Name of Country in Group  the People Republic of China, The U.S.A etc.

              (state, kingdom, united, republic, democratic)

    20The Mountains Ranges     The Himalayas, The Alphs, The Mount Caucasus

    21. The Superlative                 The highest place

    22The Comparative degree “of”

23.   The higher we the cooler it is.

24.   He is the taller of the two.

25.   He is the better of the two.

26.   The more he gets the more he wants.


    27.            The Adjective                                       The rich, the poor, the youth,

    28.            Represents the whole Class                 The dog is a faithful animal.
        The cow is a useful animal.

    29.            Before, whole,  same                           The same girl, the same boy, 

    the whole class


    30.           Before Proper Noun        

1.   Ali is the Newton of our country. (title)

2.   I need a Wasim Akram for my team. (common noun)

3.   I met a Miss. Kausir who was stranger to me. (common noun)


    31.            After All & Both                        All the girls, Both the boys

    32.            Before ordinal Number, but not before position     

            The first two chapter,                 He stood First

    33.            Name of countries                      the USA

Omission   OF THE

    1.   Not before                          God, Hell, Heaven

    2.   Not before metal              gold, silver but placed if specified

                 The gold of Africa is more precious than that of India


          34.   Not before abstract noun              love, honesty but placed if specified

          35.   Not before material Noun              plastic, wood but placed if specified

          36.   Not before disease                        hepatitis, bronchitis, the mumps, the plagues

          37.   Not before language                      Urdu, English but placed the English language

          38.   Not before game                            cricket, hockey but placed if specified

          39.   Note before Man, Men, woman, and women regarding humanity

But the + when specific                                           The man in the play.    The girl who told me.


9         Note:   But + the+ Prepositional Phrase             The water of Pakistani rivers.

10.                            The + Urdu + language            The Urdu language…


Correction Use of Articles ( a, an, & the )  

1. I want ___ new book.   

Explanation: A want a new book

2. Do you have ____ extra pen? 


ANSWER= (A) an 
Explanation: Do you have an extra pen?

3. Ali helps ____ poor. 


ANSWER= (C) the
Explanation: Ali helps the poor

5. ____ dog is a faithful animal.   


ANSWER= (C) the 
Explanation: The dog is a faithful animal.  

6. She goes to ___ university daily.  


ANSWER= (D) no article 
Explanation: She goes to university daily. (it is known to the listener)

7.  He earns ____ money and spends it. 


ANSWER= (D) no article 
Explanation: He earns money and spends it. 

8. He would like ____ tea to take.   


ANSWER= (D)  no article  
Explanation: He would like tea to take

9. She writes the letters with ____ pencil.   

Explanation: She writes the letters with a pencil. 

Click here to learn and attempt a Test of 'since and for'

10.  He sat in ___ shade of a tree.  

ANSWER= (D)  the 
Explanation: He sat in the shade of a tree. (Noun is specified here) 

11. I need ___ of glasses.

ANSWER= B) two pairs
Explanation: I need two pairs of glasses.

Click here to read Ch 13 "Lovely Summers" an autobiography Novel



    1. The Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet

A             B                                    C    

in the Solar System after Mercury.


    2  . The spoken form of the Urdu is the same as that of Hindi but it is written in

           A                                    B          C                               D

a different script than Hindi.


    3. Maldives is a tropical nation in the Indian Ocean composed of 26 ring-

A            B                                    C

    shaped islands, which are made up of more than 1,000 coral islands.


4. During the fifth century BC the Athenians introduced the third and the

A                         B                                               C                         

Lowlier century metal: the bronze, an alloy of copper and tin.


5. Then, in 1914, he joined the R.A.M.C., and came face to face with one of the

     A                                                                             B

main medical problem of First World War: the treatment of infected wounds.

                                                 C                       D

6. He liked those short leading articles in Times that introduced a few tags that

A             B                               C               D


7. Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the

A             B                                                          C                          D

Yamuna river in the Indian city of Agra.

Mark the Correct One:

8.     A) More the disease was cured, the more it became painful.

B) The more the disease was cured, more it became painful.

C) The more the disease was cured, the more it became painful.

D) More the disease was cured, more it became painful.


9.     A) The Govt. can minimize gap between the rich and the poor.

B) The Govt. can minimize the gap between the rich and the poor.

C) The Govt. can minimize the gap between rich and the poor.

D) The Govt. can minimize the gap between the and rich poor.


10.    A) A story came vividly to Christopher’s mind on a second morning.

B) A story came vividly to Christopher’s mind on the second morning.

C) The story came vividly to Christopher’s mind on a second morning.

D) The story came vividly to Christopher’s mind on the second morning.


11.    A) The full Sahara area, stretching almost the complete width of North Africa.

B) A full Sahara area, stretching almost the complete width of North Africa.

C) The full Sahara area, stretching almost a complete width of North Africa.

D) The full Sahara area, stretching almost the complete width of North the Africa.


12.    A) The Flemings, born on the land, were becoming a medical family.

B) The Flemings, born on the land, were becoming the medical family.

C) Flemings, born on the land, were becoming a medical family.

D) The Flemings, born on a land, were becoming the medical family.


13.    A) The Holy Quran is a compilation of the divine revelations given to the Holy
    Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

B) A Holy Quran is a compilation of the divine revelations given to the Holy
    Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

C) The Holy Quran is a compilation of the divine revelations given to Holy
    Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

D) The Holy Quran is a compilation of a divine revelations given to a Holy
    Prophet Muhammad (SAW).


14.    A) Every term parents are invited to a school to meet the teachers.

B) Every term parents are invited to the school to meet a teachers.

C) Every term parents are invited to the school to meet teachers.

D) Every term parent’s are invited to the school to meet the teachers.


15.    A) I ploughed this mountain with cattle first time it was ever ploughed.

B) I ploughed this mountains with cattle a first time it was ever ploughed.

C) I ploughed this mountain with cattles that first time it was ever ploughed.

D) I ploughed this mountain with cattle the first time it was ever ploughed.


16.   A) Two-thirds of that pupils speak Urdu or Punjabies as their mother tongue.

B) Two-thirds of the pupils speak Urdu or Punjabi as their mother tongue.

C) Two-thirds of the pupils speak Urdu or the Punjabi as their mother tongue.

D) Two-third of the pupils speak the Urdu or Punjabi as their mother tongue.

Correct and re-write the following sentences

1.    She is making noise

2.    She is in wrong.

3.    Horse is a faithful animal.

4.    She is telling lie.

5.    I saw snake in the garden.

6.    Snake I saw in the garden was black.

7.    I bought an eggs.

8.    She drank a tea.

9.    The health is a wealth.

10. Beauty of Swat is matchless.

11. The iron is found in Pakistan.

12. Gold of this watch is pure.

13. I love the Pakistan.

14. Pakistan of today is different from Pakistan of 1947.

15. Earth is a small planet.

16. I saw ten-foot snake in the garden.

17. Karachi is biggest city of Pakistan.

18. We should love innocent.

19. English are a cunning nation.

20. Nile is the longest river of the world.

21. Sun sets in west.

22. Holy Quraan is the last book of Allah.

23. More we earn, more we want.

24. She is wiser of the two girls.

25. The Aslam is a selfish boy.

26. The all books in this bag are bought by me.

27. She is suffering from the diabetes.

28. She ate the breakfast late today.

29. The both sisters are beautiful.

30. She got an employment in this bank.

31. She is of opinion that he is a cheat.

32. The wisdom is a unique gift.



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