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Two Women and a Child
There were two women who were brought before King Salomon to seek justice. Both these women had a quarrel over a single baby. Each woman claimed that she was the mother of the baby.
One lady said, "Oh king! I am the baby's mother." The other lady said, "Oh king! Don't believe her. She is not the mother of my baby. I am the mother of the child." King Salomon was confused and could not comprehend the issue. After a profound thought, he said, "Cut the baby into two parts and give one part to each mother. One woman was silent while the other cried and said, "Oh king! Let the other lady have the baby. Don't cut the baby into two parts. Let the baby live."
The king came to know about the real mother of the baby. He gave the baby to the crying mother.
Moral: Truth Always Triumph
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All Covet, All Loss - Greed is a Curse
Once, there lived three friends in a village. They were very poor. One day, they set out on a journey to seek some source of earning. they claimed to be true to each other but inwardly they were very selfish. While they were on their way they found a bag full of gold coins. they were very happy to have found so much gold. They sat down under a tree to discuss the matter. finally, they agreed to divide it equally among themselves. But inwardly each wished to have all the gold coins to himself. after some time, they felt hungry. they sent one of them to a nearby town to fetch some food. the man who had come to the town to fetch food decided to kill the other two friends. he bought some poison, mixed it in the food and returned it to his friends. The other two friends were even greedier. They had already made a plot to kill him and divide the coins equally between themselves. When the third friend arrived there, they fell upon him and killed him. As they were feeling very hungry, they began to eat the poisoned food. They also died after a while.
Morals: Greed is a Curse
As you sow, so shall you reap.
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