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Explanation of Stanzas of All the Poems - Book III Part I Poetry

How to write an Explanation of a stanza with the help of Questions & Answers.

Today I taught my students how to write an explanation of the stanza. It was a sort of creative writing and students were not hesitating to write sentences of their own. It happens whenever I try to make them write creative writing. Let's start:

Topic: Explanation

1.1 Poem No 1 "The Rain" (Book I- First Year)

 Q. Explain the following stanza with reference to context: [5]

“I hear leaves drinking rain;

I hear rich leaves on top

Giving the poor beneath

Drop after drop;

‘Tis a sweet noise to hear

These green leaves drinking near.”


These lines have been taken from 

the poem, “The Rain”, written by 

William Henry Davies.


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of rain. The poet hears the rain falling on the leaves. The poet enjoys the sweet music of the raindrops when they fall on the leaves. He enjoys it a lot. He feels that the raindrops falling on the leaves create rhythmic sound and it becomes sweet music. “Rich leaves” means the thick growing leaves. The leaves, which are less in number and are in a lower position. They are poor leaves. The upper leaves symbolize (present) the rich and the wealthy people who have all the blessings of the world. They live a life of all luxuries and comforts. They enjoy all the resources of the world. They also represent a distinction between haves and have-nots in society.

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings incite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

Poem No. 1                The Rain 


These lines have been taken from “The Rain”, written by William Henry Davies.


          In this musical poem, the poet has depicted the colourful panorama of rain and the sunshine after the rain in a very lucid manner. The rain is a great phenomenon of Nature. It brings water for all. Green leaves on the top drink a lot of water and get fresh. The falling drops of rain produce a piece of sweet music. The poet has highlighted the musical notes hidden in the raindrops. After the rain, the sun comes out of the clouds. It looks more bright and beautiful. The scene of the sunshine is a source of pleasure.

Questions & Answers:

Q.1 How can a rainy day be enjoyed?

Ans. A rainy day can be enjoyed in many different ways. It depends upon one’s mood. The poet enjoys the sweet music of the raindrops when they fall on the leaves. The children can enjoy it by playing different games. They can take bath in rain. Friends can enjoy it by eating different kinds of dishes like pakoras and halwa. People can enjoy it by going on picnics also.

Q.2 What is meant by “rich leaves” & “poor leaves”?

Ans. “Rich leaves” means the thick growing leaves. The leaves, which are less in number and are in a lower position. They are poor leaves. They also represent a distinction between haves and have-nots in society.

Q.3 What does the upper leaves symbolize?

Ans. The upper leaves symbolize the rich and the wealthy people who have all the blessings of the world. They live a life of all luxuries and comforts. They enjoy all the resources

of the world.       

Q.4 How does the poet feel when he hears the rain falling on the leaves?

Ans. The poet hears the rain falling on the leaves. He enjoys it a lot. He feels that the raindrops falling on the leaves create rhythmic sound and it becomes sweet music.

Q.5 What does sunshine symbolize?

Ans. The sunshine symbolizes a time in future when there will be justice and equal distribution of resources between the rich and the poor. There will be no difference between all and sundry.

Q.7 What is ‘Personification’?

Ans. It is a figurative language technique where an object or idea is given human characteristics or qualities e.g. The Candle flame danced in the dark. The sunflowers nodded in the wind.

Q.8 What is the theme of the poem?

Ans. The poet is the optimist in this poem. The scene of sunshine is a source of pleasure and happiness. No doubt, the poor suffer from cold and wet weather, but they can enjoy the weather after the rain. One should never be hopeless and disappointed.

 ان سطور میں شاعر اپنے جذبات کے بے ساختہ بہاؤ میں بارش کی ایک خوبصورت تصویر بیان کرتا ہے۔  شاعر پتوں پر گرنے والی بارش کو سنتا ہے۔  شاعر بارش کے قطروں کی میٹھی موسیقی سے لطف اندوز ہوتا ہے جب وہ پتوں پر گرتے ہیں۔  وہ اس سے بہت لطف اندوز ہوتا ہے۔  اسے محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ پتوں پر گرنے والی بارش کے قطرے تال دار آواز پیدا کرتے ہیں اور یہ میٹھی موسیقی بن جاتی ہے۔  "امیر پتے" کا مطلب ہے گھنے بڑھتے ہوئے پتے۔  پتے ، جو تعداد میں کم ہیں اور کم پوزیشن میں ہیں۔  وہ غریب پتے ہیں۔  اوپر والے پتے امیر اور امیر لوگوں کی علامت (موجودہ) ہیں جن کو دنیا کی تمام نعمتیں حاصل ہیں۔  وہ تمام عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارتے ہیں۔  وہ دنیا کے تمام وسائل سے لطف اندوز ہوتے ہیں۔  وہ معاشرے میں haves اور havents کے درمیان فرق کی بھی نمائندگی کرتے ہیں۔

 نظم کی زبان بہت سادہ ہے ، لیکن اس کے جو معنی بیان کیے گئے ہیں وہ بہت گہرے اور فکر انگیز ہیں۔  ظاہری (باطنی) اور ظاہری (بیرونی) دونوں معنی قاری کو اپنی سوچ اور تخیل پر اکساتے ہیں

Model Explanation Stanza No 2 


Night Mail 

                            by W. H. Auden

                                    Lines 1-2

This is the Night Mail crossing the Border

Bringing the cheque and the postal order.


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail through plains, high mountains, cotton fields, grassland and moorland. It carries letters, money orders, and cheques. It climbs up the mountains. It passes through the plains. The birds, the dogs, the sheep, around the track are not disturbed by it. They go on sleeping. The mail train is, in fact, the means of communication between people living in different parts of the country. The beauty of the poem lies in its music. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the night mail.  The poet says that it is nighttime. The Night Mail is running fast towards its destination. After crossing the border, it reaches its goal. It brings the mail. It brings cheques and postal orders. It brings letters and packages for various persons, poor and rich. The night Mail symbolizes the life that passes through various phases to reach its final end. the border mentioned in the poem is the border between London Scotland. 

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

                                        Lines 3-4

Letters for the rich, letters for the poor,

The shop at the corner, the girl next door. 


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the night mail.  The poet says that it is nighttime. The Night Mail is running fast towards its destination. After crossing the border, it reaches its goal. It brings the mail. It brings cheques and postal orders. It brings letters and packages for various persons, poor and rich. The night Mail symbolizes the life that passes through various phases to reach its final end. the border mentioned in the poem is the border between London Scotland. 

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

                                            Lines 5-6

Pulling up Beattock, a steady climb;

The gradients against her, but she's on time. 


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the night mail.  The poet says that it continues running on its track. It is a steep summit. the night Mail has to make it. Though the slope is against the Night Mail, it reaches its destination in time.  It means it ascends upward easily and does not get late. The Beattock Summit is a high point of the West Coast Main Line railway. Its height is 1,033 feet above sea level. it is located in Scotland. the lines indicate the tough track of the Night Mail. 

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

                                        Lines 7-8

Past cotton-grass and moorland boulder

Shovelling white steam over her shoulder. 


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the Night Mail.  The poet says that it passes by the areas where the plants of cotton-grass are growing. Cotton grass is not a plant of cotton. it is the plant that bears fluffy cotton-like flowers. though it belongs to the sedge family, it is technically not grass at all. the Night Mail also passes by the boulders in the countryside of rough grass and low bushes. it emits white smoke over it. emitting thick smoke indicates that it employs terrible forces while it climbs its way upward. 

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

                                    Lines 9-10

Snorting noisily she passes,

Silent miles of wind bent grasses.


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the Night Mail.  The poet says that it makes a great noise when it passes by. It looks snorting as if it is angry. thus the word "snort" indicates that the Night Mail has been personified. it snots like a horse. its snorting refers to its whistling. it passes by the fields of green grass where the high wind blows hard. Sometimes, it covers many miles silently. It snorts to tell people about its arrival. Sometimes, it snorts to give a warning to the things that trespass its track. it warns them to get away from its path. "Bent grasses" means meadows or heaths or pastures or open green fields. bent grass is a sort of perennial grass used for lawns, athletic fields and golf.

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

                                Lines 11-12

Birds turn their heads as she approaches

Stare from bushes at her blank-faced.


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the Night Mail.  The poet says that the birds are sitting in the bushes. when the Night Mail passes by them, they do not get disturbed and keep sitting there. They just turn their beaks and look at it. Perhaps they are used to its noise. they see the blank-faced coaches of the Night Mail. The blank0-0faced coaches may mean either the empty seats of the Night Mail or its dull-coloured carriages.

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.

                                   Lines 13-14

Sheep-dogs cannot tune her course

they slumber on with paws across.


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the Night Mail.  Some dogs are trained to take care of sheep. These dogs are called sheepdogs. on the arrival of the Night Mail, they show no reaction. they know that they can neither bite it nor force it to turn its course. So, when the Night Mail comes, they remain sleeping with their paws across.

   The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.


                         Lines  15-16

In the farm she passes, o one wakes

But a jug in a bedroom gently shakes.


These lines have been taken from “Night Mail”, written by Wystan Hugh Auden.


In this descriptive poem, the poet gives a beautiful picture of the journey of a night mail. The Night Mail brings mail for everyone. It brings letters for the rich as well as for the poor. It brings letters for the shop at the corner. it brings letters for the girl living a few doors down the street. These lines describe the function of the Night Mail. Its main purpose is to bring mail for various persons. 


In these lines, the poet in his spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings describes a beautiful picture of the Night Mail. Some people live on the farm houses. When the Night Mail passes through the farms, they do not get disturbed. Probably they are habitual to the latter of the Night Mail. They live nearby the track. they keep on enjoying deep sleep. but a jug on the table begins to quiver a bit due to the vibration of the running Night Mail. Throughout the poem, we see that the NIght Mail does not disturb anyone. Even the birds and the sheep-dogs do not feel troubled. The Night Mail servers only as a link between one person to another.

The language of the poem is very simple, but the meanings it conveys are very profound and thought-provoking. Both the implicit (  inner ) and explicit (  outer ) meanings invite the reader to make his own consideration and imagination.


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