Elon Musk's Mobile Pi
Topic: Punctuation
Use of comma
, both,
For examples: (use of , before)
the point is norma he continued (pg#4 "Button, Button)
"The point is, Norma," he continued.
this is the way jess said my father
(pg#11 "Clearing in the Sky")
"This is the way, Jess," my father said.
Example: (use of after,)
norma we will he said (pg#5)
"Norma, we will," he said.
lady I m sorry whispered the boy (pg#26 "Thank You M'am)
"Lady, I'm sorry," whispered the boy.
Examples: (use of ,both, )
for heaven s sake cora let s buy tickets for home (pg#18 "Dark they were, and Golden-Eyed)
"For heaven's sake, Cora, let's buy tickets for home!"
then roger you go to that sink and wash your face said the woman (pg#27 "Thank You M'am" Dark")
"Then, Roger, you go to that sink and wash your face," said the woman.
Use Blue Mark for Capital letters.
Black Pointer for Punctuation Marks.
Blue Pointer or Ballpoint for normal writing.
Note. 2
Reported Speech: "I'm not selling anything."
Reporting Speech: Mr. Steward said.
Writer's line: It was getting dark.
Note. 3
First Person; I, my, me, we, our, us
Second Person: You, your, you
Third Person: he, she, it, they, Name
Combination of Present, Future and Past Tense in Punctuation
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