Elon Musk's Mobile Pi
ENG-P/I Time Allowed: 30 min Total Marks: 20
Name: Roll #: Section:
Q.1 Chose the right option of the following. (06)
1. Then he frowned not knowing he frowned.
a. sat
b. quiet
c. pleased
d. scowled
2. At the foot of the barren stoop, and looked up
the large woman.
a. deserted
b. shadowy
c. wide
3. Did she ask him anything
which make him?
a. happy
b. humiliated
c. embarrassed
d. sobbed
4. The boy looked like in
tennis shoes?
a. willow-wiled
b. tall
c. chubby
He _____ T.V when I saw him.
a. is playing
b. has played
c. was playing
d. were playing
She ______ her homework before I telephoned her.
a. was doing
b. is done
c. has done
d. had done
well you didn t have to snatch my pocket book to get some
suede shoes said mrs Luella bates washington jone
Q.3 Translate into Urdu (Book I) (15)
The woman did not watch the boy to see if he was going to run now, nor did she watch her purse, which she had left behind her on the daybed. But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room, away from the purse, where he thought she could easily see him out of the corner of her eye if she wanted to. He did not trust the woman not trust him. And he did not want to be mistrusted now.
Q.4 Answer (ANY 5) questions of the following: (10)
1. Why did the boy snatch the bag of the woman?
2. How did the boy look physically?
3. Why was the boy afraid of the woman?
4. How many dollars did the woman give the boy?
5. Why did the boy not run from the woman's house?
6. What did the woman do when the boy fell on the path?
****Good Luck*****
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