Elon Musk's Mobile Pi
10 | A Mild Attack of Locusts
Q.1 Mark the correct option: [10]
1. It was half night, a perverted blackness. A) brightened B) distorted C) strange D) mashedQ.2 Punctuate the following lines. [5]
they main swarm isn t settling they are heavy with eggs they are
looking for a place to settle and lay
Q.3 Translate into Urdu of the following passage. [15]
Margaret was wondering what she could do to help. She did not know. Then up came old Stephen from the lands. “We’re finished, Margaret, finished! Those beggars can eat every leaf and blade of the far in half an hour! And it is only early afternoon- if we can make enough smoke, made enough noise ill the sun goes down, they’ll settle somewhere else perhaps…” and then: get the kettle going. It’s thirsty work, this.”
Q.4 Answer all 5 the following questions: [10]
What are locusts?
Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?
What was the condition of the trees?
What was the desire of every farmer?
Why are the locusts compared to bad weather?
“The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion.” Arnold H. Glasow
Prof. Masood Sadiq M.A (Eng) M.A (EPM) PGC Sialkot
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