Elon Musk's Mobile Pi

Tesla Model Pi How is the world making progress in science and technology, we are still looking for a great marriage hall to celebrate our unique wedding with all pump and show. Read the following features and see how education is helping the people who want to move and serve humanity. I. Introduction - Elon Musk's new venture: Tesla Model Pi smartphone II. Revolutionary Features - Disrupting the smartphone market III. Comparison to Competition - iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel IV. Key Advantages - Reasons behind Musk's claim to "destroy" existing smartphones V. Conclusion Impact of Tesla Model Pi on the smartphone industry Elon Musk, the innovative mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, has announced his latest venture. It will change the mindset:  the Tesla Model Pi smartphone. This revolutionary device promises to shake up the smartphone market, challenging the dominance of industry leaders like iPhone,  Samsung Galaxy,  and Google Pixel.  But what sets the

Choose the correct option -Use of Prepostions - in English Learning Grammar

Choose the correct Preposition to fill in the blank

1. The birds are sitting ____ the tree.

ANSWER= (C) in
Explanation: The brids are sitting in the tree.

2. The stars are shining ___ the sky.

ANSWER= (C) in
Explanation: The stars are shining in the sky.

3. We reached ____ the station in time.

ANSWER= (E) No Preposition
Explanation: We reached the station in time.

4. You can pass ____ the examination.

ANSWER= (E) No preposition
Explanation: You can pass the examination.

5. The patient has been operated ____

ANSWER= (D) upon
Explanation: The patient has been operated upon.

6. She sat ___ the shade of the tree.

ANSWER= (C) in
Explanation: She sat in the shade of the tree.

7. He is blind ___ one eye.

ANSWER= (C) in
Explanation: She is bline in one eye.

8. She congratuated me ___ my success.

ANSWER= (A) on
Explanation: She congratulated me on my success.

9. She resembles ___ her mother.

ANSWER= (E) No Preposition
Explanation: She resembles her mother.

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb

10. This cheque is ____ the United Bank.

ANSWER= (A) on
Explanation: This cheque is on the United Bank.

11. The examination will begin ____ Monday.

ANSWER= (B) on
Explanation: The examination will begin on Monday. (on is used before days, on Eid day, on Christmas day etc.)

12. They met me ___ night.

ANSWER= (C) at
Explanation: They met me at night. (at Noon, at 12 o'clock, at 3 PM etc.)

13. They close their shops ___ the evening.

ANSWER= (D) in
Explanation: They close their shops in the evening. (in the afternoon, in the morning etc.)

14. Open the book ___ page 9.

ANSWER= (C) at
Explanation: Open the book at page 9.

15. She is good ___ dancing and cooking.

ANSWER= (C) at
Explanation: She is good at dancing and cooking.

16. She impressed me ___ her wisdom.

ANSWER= (A) with
Explanation: She impressed me with her wisdom.

17. She did not agree ____ my proposal.

ANSWER= (A) with
Explanation: She did not agree with my proposal.

18. She is lacking ___ courage.

ANSWER= (D) in
Explanation: She is lacking in courage.

19. Smoking is injurious ___ your health.

ANSWER= (E) to
Explanation: Smoking is injurious to your health.

Click here to attempt a Test of Singular and Plural Verb No 2

20. He was accused ___ theft.

ANSWER= (D) of
Explanation: He was accused of theft. 


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