9 | A Foolish Quack
Q.1 Mark the correct option: (10)
1. Instead of getting a fee, I was compelled to dig her grave.
A) showed
B) Probed
C) presented
D) forced
2. Thus exhorted the unfortunate man laboured away with all might
A) exhausted
B) insisted
C) damaged
D) decorated
3. When consciousness returned, this bewildered victim inquired.
A) surprized
B) weakened
C) caught up
D) declared
4. When consciousness returned, this bewildered victim inquired.
A) severity
B) punishment
C) aware
D) stricking
5. "Do you not perceive, " answered the camel-man.
A) write
B) understand
C) note
D) jot down
6. Where did the traveller stay?
A) in an inn
B) in a hall
C) under a clump of trees
D) in a jungle
7. But the pretended doctor said.
A) genuine
B) fack
C) professional
D) experienced
8. The stolid creature scarcely.
A) weak
B) stout
C) mild
D) compelled
9. He ____ before I returned.
A) returned
B) had returned
C) returns
D) returning
10. I will help you if you ____ to me.
A) comes
B) came
C) come
D) will come
Q.2 Punctuate the following. (5)
if you do not dig it said they before the king you shall go and
then you will be hanged
Q.3 Translate into Urdu of the following passage. (15)
So they seized him, being minded to carry him before the king. One of them, however, said: “She was a very old woman, who must have died shortly in any case. Let us, therefore, compel the wretch to dig her grave, and then we can beat him and let him go.” So they took him and set him to work, but the ground was so stiff and hard that he made slow progress.
Q.4 Answer all 5 of the following questions: (10)
1. What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
2. What did the villagers say before the quack treated an old man?
3. How did the quack try to cure the old woman?
4. Why did the quack return to the camel men?
5. How did the melon stuck in the camel's throat?
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
Albert Einstein
Prof. Masood Sadiq M.A (Eng) M.A (EPM) PGC Sialkot
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