Elon Musk's Mobile Pi
Click here to learn the names of poets and poems (Book 3)
Tests & Revision Session 2022 (English Part I)
Test # |
Date |
Syllabus |
T-1 |
CH # 1-2, Q/ANS, W/S , PUNC, Play # 1 (1ST H)
Poems # 1-2, EXPLANATION, Q/ANS,W/Syn |
T-2 |
CH# 1,2 URDU TRAN MCQS (VERB); M/Story 1-2 Letters /App #
1-2 P.O.W (A –B ) |
T-3 |
CH # 3-4, Q/ANS, W/S , PUNC, Play # 1 (2nd H)
Poems # 3-4, EXPLANATION, Q/ANS,W/Syn |
T-4 |
CH# 3,4 URDU TRAN MCQS (VERB); M/Story 3-4 Letters /App #
3-4 P.O.W (C –D ) |
T-5 |
CH # 5,6 Q/ANS, W/S , PUNC, Play # 2 (1ST H)
Poems # 5-6, EXPLANATION, Q/ANS,W/Syn |
T-6 |
CH# 5,6 URDU TRAN MCQS (VERB); Moral Story 5-6 Letters
/App # 5-6 P.O.W (E –G ) |
T-7 |
CH # 7,8, Q/ANS, W/S , PUNC, Play # 2 (2nd H)
Poems # 7-8, EXPLANATION, Q/ANS,W/Syn |
T-8 |
CH# 7,8 URDU TRAN MCQS (VERB); M/Story 7-8 Letters /App #
7-8 P.O.W (H-I ) |
T-9 |
CH # 9,10, Q/ANS, W/S , PUNC, Play # 3 (1st H)
Poems # 9-10, EXPLANATION, Q/ANS,W/Syn |
T-10 |
CH# 9,10 URDU TRAN MCQS (VERB); M/Story 9-10 Letters /App # 9-10 P.O.W (J –L ) |
T-11 |
CH # 11,12, Q/ANS, W/S , PUNC, Play # 3 (2nd H)
Poems #11-12, EXPLANATION, Q/ANS,W/Syn |
T-12 |
CH# 11,12 URDU TRAN MCQS (VERB); M/Story 11,12 Letters
/App # 11,12 P.O.W (M –Q ) |
T-13 |
CH # 13-15 PLAY #1,2 Poems #13-16 M/Story 13-14, Letter/app
13-14 P.O.W (R - Z) |
T-14 |
T#1 (33%) |
CH#1-5 PLAY#1 POEMS 1-8; M/STORY 1-8; Lett1-8 APP 1-5 POW (A-F) |
T-15 |
T#2 (33%) |
CH#6-10 POEMS 9-15PLAY#2 M/STORY 9-15 Lett 9-15 APP6-10 POW
(K-Z) |
T-16 |
T#3 (33%) |
CH#11-15 PLAY#3 POEMS 16-20 M/STORY15-18 Lett/app 11-16 P.O.W (H-Z) |
T-17 |
T#1st Half |
CH#1-8; POEMS# 1-10; PLAY#1; LETT 1-10APP-1-8; M/S# 1-10,POW
(A-J) |
T-18 |
T#2nd Half |
CH#9-15; POEMS# 11-20; PLAY#2,3; LETT11-20 APP#9-16 M/ST
11-20,P.O.W( K-Z) |
T-19 |
FLP#1 |
FLP -1 |
T-20 |
FLP -2 |
Test- 2(English P-I)
Time Allowed: 1:20
Total Marks: 50
Q.1 Mark the correct option. (13)
1. We _____ college in time daily.
a. reaches
have reached
c. will reach
2. I ____ T.V since morning.
a. will
b. am watching
c. have been watching
d. watch
3. She _____ tea in the morning every day.
has not taken
b. does not take
c. do not take
d. is not take
4. The Sun ____ in the East and sets in the West.
5. She ____ to college daily
a. do not
b. doesn’t go
is not go
d. going
6. I have never ____ a lie to him.
a. tells
b. am telling
c. has telling
d. told
7. She ________ tea now.
is not taken
b. is taking
c. has taken
d. was taking
8. They ____ the match for two hours.
a. been watching
b. watched
c. have been watching
9. She ____ a song at
a. been singing
b. sang
has been singing
d. is
10. They ______ already
_____ the match.
a. been winning
b. has won
have won
11. She does not ____ mutton.
a. watching
b. eating
c. eat
12. They ______ already
_____ the match.
a. been watching
b. has watched
have watched
d. watching
13. She ____ a novel
Answers to Question No. 1
1(d) 2(c) 3(b) 4(a) 5(b)
6(d) 7(b) 8(c) 9(d) 10(c)
11(c) 12(c) 13(d)
Q.2 Make sentences of (any 2) pairs of words of the followings: (02)
access, excess; bridle, bridal; brake, break; bad, bade, bail, bale
Q.3 Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your
monthly allowance. (10)
Write an application to the Principal requesting him for full fee
Q.4 Write a story on the moral “No Pains No Gains” (10)
Q.5 Translate into Urdu of the following passage. (15)
My curiosity was aroused. I thought he had found a new kind of wild grass, or an unfamiliar herb, or a new kind of tree. For I remember the time he had found a coffee tree in our woods. It is, as far as I know, the only one of its kind growing in our country. Only twice did my father stop to wipe the sweat from his eyes as he climbed the second steep bluff toward the fingers of the pines.
Urdu Translation
میرا تجسس بڑھا۔ میں نے سوچا کہ اسے ایک نئی قسم کی جنگلی گھاس، یا کوئی انجان جڑی بوٹی یا کوئی نئی قسم کا درخت ملا ہے۔ کیونکہ مجھے وہ وقت یاد ہے جب اسے ہمارے جنگل میں کافی کا درخت ملا تھا۔ جہاں تک میں جانتا ہوں، یہ ہمارے ملک میں اپنی نوعیت کا واحد واحد ہے۔ صرف دو بار میرے والد اپنی آنکھوں سے پسینہ پونچھنے کے لیے رکے تھے جب وہ پائن کی انگلیوں کی طرف دوسری کھڑی بلف پر چڑھے تھے۔
Test-3 (English-P-I)
Allowed: 1:20 Mins
Choose the correct option: (20)
1. Sweat popped
out on the boy’s face.
a. burst
b. shone
c. dashed
d. dried
2. She
shook him until his teeth rattled.
a. trembled
b. broke
c. shone
d. removed
Yonder’s the midden whose adours will madden.
a. crowd
b. human waste
c. flowers
d. rocky
4. What
does the Second man blame the First man?
a. smiling
b. crying
c. lying
d. deceiving
Yonder’s the midden whose adours will madden.
a. crowd
b. smell
c. colour
d. rocky
6. What
did Roger want to buy?
a. a school bag
sued shoes
c. a
blue jacket
d. a daybed
7. What
did pop by boy’s face?
a. sweat
d. powder
8. How
did the Girl realize the truth?
a. when she saw her flashlight
when she saw his hat sued
c. when she saw his coat
when she saw the bus
9. I asked him if he ____ the exam?
a. take
c. takes
d. taken
10. Her
hair ____ wet and muddy.
Answers to Question No. 1
1(a) 2(a) 3(b) 4(c) 5(b)
6(b) 7(a) 8(a) 9(b) 10(c)
Q#2 Answer (any 6) of the hi following questions: (Book-I & III) (12)
i. What was the advice Harry Bettering
gave the people?
ii. How did Harry feel when he
landed on Mars?
iii. Why did the woman not take
the boy to the police?
iv. Why did the woman not ask
the boy about his relatives?
v. Why did the second man
blame the first man?
vi. How did the girl come to
know about the killer?
vii. Why does the poet say that
his life is too short to enjoy the Cherry?
viii. How does the horror try to
warn the hearer about his surroundings?
“O Where are You Going?”
Q.3 (a) Explain with reference to the context: (08)
Note:- No Marks will be credited in case of the wrong Reference
Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Easter tide
Q.4 (a) Punctuate the following: (05)
then it
will get washed this evening said the large woman starting up the street
dragging the frightened boy behind her
(b) Punctuate the following: (05)
children he said
sitting there looking beyond them i ve something to tell you
She was a large woman with a large purse that had everything in it but a hammer and nails. It had a long strap, and she carried it slung across her shoulder. It was about eleven o’clock at night, dark, and she was walking alone when a boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her. The strap broke with a sudden single tug the boy gave it from behind.
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